Woohoo, made it to 67 days! Despite some complaining from my regular photographer, my husband, I've made it this far and can definitely tell the difference of how each handstand feels now versus how it felt two months back.

Day 64: Early morning beach time, in a little nook of a beach that has become our favorite spot. With the morning sun I was able to get some nice shadow action, making thisweekend handstand a two-for-one.

Day 60, major milestone: handstand on the landing without ever touching the wall behind me and holding it for an extended period of time. I was literally so excited that this happen that I essentially acted like a giddy little school girl.

Day 56: Public display of hand standing. Embarrassing A. with any chance I get.

Day 50: Scoping out possible "engagement" photo sites. This was a winner of a location, not to mention a fun place for some impromptu yoga.

Day 46: Recognizing and accepting when you really just can't handle a full out handstand after a long day...listening to my body.

Day 42: The "invisible" handstand from Facebook. While this pic does show up on my phone it seemed to be incapable of properly uploading. So, here it is. Sorry, not particularly spectacular.

Day 39: How many attempts at self-photography does it take to get yourself in the frame?...apparently 10 (for me). Oh well, it was a handstand/forearm-stand workout for sure!