Day 6: The testing of household handstand locations begins.
First off, the sink. This is a deeper backbend but offers some good opportunity to play with extending one leg straight up at a time. Warning here, it's much easier to do this version when someone is available to help you get out of the position without hitting your head on the cabinet handles.
First off, the sink. This is a deeper backbend but offers some good opportunity to play with extending one leg straight up at a time. Warning here, it's much easier to do this version when someone is available to help you get out of the position without hitting your head on the cabinet handles.

Day 7: I really like using the fridge, it seems to be the perfect height for me to practice pushing off from.

Day 8: Probably the best location in the apartment to do handstands since there is ample wall space on the landing. It is not however, the best place to take pictures of doing handstands. I was playing around with the L-shape handstand to get myself more practice without the wall directly behind me. I'll explain in another post how to do this variation. It's a great way to practice getting the proper alignment and to strengthen the arms.

Day 9: Back to the fridge for backup. But now trying to take some inspiration from a yoga friend to have one leg bent to act as an anchor to balance the extended leg. The thing about doing handstands here, is that I have to be sure and turn off our overhead fan and that it stops spinning before I go upside-down...I certainly don't want any fan-inflicted injuries!